Our mission...

The mission of the Teacher to Teacher Team is to provide access to age-appropriate books for primary school children and to provide assistance to teachers and administrators in methodology and techniques in curriculum.

The Teacher to Teacher Team is sponsored by the Sierra Leone Health Partners.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Teacher to Teacher...from Freetown

Good Morning from Freetown.  We arrived here late yesterday afternoon and are staying at the Kona Lodge.  We will stay here again tonight before we head to the airport for departure tomorrow evening.  We have good internet here so I'll try to get another blog and some pictures on this afternoon.  Thanks for your prayers - this has been a great week of ministry....actually it has been two great weeks of ministry....but we are all ready to get home to family and friends.   Sharon

Here's a blog from Marti that was written a few days ago...Teacher Salaries in Sierra Leone

Teachers were very receptive today.  Linda and I asked about their teaching situations.  all of our Pre-School, Class One and  Class Two teacher have several years experience, yet were not paid a salary.

I cannot imagine teaching for YEARS with no salary.  They shared how much they love teaching and how they keep staying because they love the children.  Leonard Gbloh, director of the UMC Primary Schools, says sometimes families will give teachers a bag of rice or other food for preparation, but for the most part, promised government subsidies don't get paid. Yet the teachers tell how respected they are in the communities.  Leonard does say getting teachers to stay is difficult.  DUH!!!  Often their attendance is inconsistent with little repercussions, since they are essentially volunteers.

The teachers have 70 to 98 students in sparsely furnished classrooms, but they are absolutely delighted with any little teaching resource our team has given them.   Marti H.

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